Fear Lining

Yael Wertheim Soen, Lee Nevo

December 29, 2022 - February 17, 2023

Photos by Tal Nisim

The exhibition brings together a series of paintings by Yael Wertheim Soen and objects by Lee Nevo. The work in this show is not bound to a subject, but rather it underlines overlapping territories and mutual motions. A violent action cuts reality into segments, revealing a disturbed and unstable human experience. The artwork is born out of a desperate attempt to feel a sense of control, even if it’s only an illusion.
The works installed in the space appear wide open, disclosing an inner world, brimming with information and meaning. These works of art are the result of a psycho-physiological process, driven by the inability to contain. As the body overflows, internal organs spill out all over the place. As a result, an analytic action passes all the various ingredients through the grinder of language and gives things a name. Finally, synthesis comes into being and all the particles reassembled into a new surface. Like a pair of socks rolled and tucked into itself, this new skin is redraped on the body while eliminating all distinctions between inside and out.
The protagonists of “Fear Lining” awaken from a realistic dream into a life of constant nightmare. Reality is a drawing made by the mind. Fears take shape inside the imagination. These are dynamics of control, and power struggles that eventually lead to the crossing of all boundaries. A desperate attempt to figure out man’s animalistic nature sketches a circle of vulnerability and instability. There, the artwork is uncovered as a space of fantastic pain which holds beauty and sensuality within it. In this presentation art does not offer any hope for redemption or salvation. These are only birthings of objects with the same genetic defect. Artworks beyond the line of sanity.

- Naama Arad

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